NJA Dance Uniform
UNIFORM LIST: Please Download our Uniform List from the bottom of the page.
All Pupils are Expected to be Dressed in Correct NJA Uniform at Every lesson with their hair off their faces.
We Now have our very own ONLINE STORE!
Order your Uniform Online & have it Delivered Directly to your Door!
To Find our Online Store simply type in:
Due to ontimuing issues from the Covid period there can be problems getting our Purple Dresses, however, Miss Nikki can order them from a different supplier if needs be, please let her know if you need to order one.
Any B&W Printed Uniform and Dance Moms Uniform is available through Miss Nikki-please Download an Order Form from the bottom of this page, print it out & hand it to Miss Nikki with your payment (Please pay directly into Miss Nikki's Account)
We keep a stock of 2nd hand Uniform, all donations go to A Chosen Charity.
Pointe Shoes Must be Fitted Correctly by an Expert at a Dance Shop.
Printed Uniform Available:
T.Shirts, Vest Tops, Over Head Hoodies, Zip Through Hoodies, Leggins, Varsity Jacket (B&W Or Purple & White) and Large Bags.
Dance Moms Range:
We also have a Range of Uniform inspired by the hugely popular TV show 'Dance Moms'. This includes Jackets, Leggings, Crop Tops & Leotards.
Hair for Classes & Exams:
We expect hair to be tied back and off the face for classes, buns for Ballet.
Exams: 1 Or 2 French Plaits for Tap/Street (Unless also taking a Ballet Exam in the same session where you will need a Ballet Bun for all Exams)
Ballet: Ballet Bun
Please Print and Complete and hand back to Miss Nikki
NEW Contact Details and T^0C Form 2020 [...]
Microsoft Word document [62.6 KB]
Please Check this List for our Classes Compulsory Uniform List!
UNIFORM LIST 2020 copy.docx
Microsoft Word document [51.2 KB]
Microsoft Word document [63.7 KB]
Microsoft Word document [54.7 KB]